School List

School Generated Funds

What are School Generated Funds?

School generated funds (SGFs) are funds collected from parents/guardians, parent/guardian administered groups or the broader community through fees or fundraising activities to enhance learning experiences, for the support of a charity, of a community cause, or to defray the cost of excursions and other school based projects. A fundraising activity must be approved by the school principal, in consultation with, and upon the advice of the Catholic School Community Councils, and/or a school fundraising organization operating in the name of the school, and for which the school provides the administrative processes for collection. Funds raised for school purposes are used to complement, not replace, public funding for education. For more information on our policy see PGCE-06 Fundraising and School-Generated Funds on the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board policy and procedures page.

Annual Proposed Fundraising Plan

The Proposed Fundraising and Fees for School Generated Funds Plan (Summary and Detail) will be prepared at the beginning of the school year by the principal and will be developed in consultation with the Catholic School Community Council, school community including students, staff, parents/guardians and community organizations.

The Plan will outline the fundraising activities and collection of fees planned, the activities fundraising goals as well as the intended use of proceeds.

School Generated Fund Reports

In compliance with the Ministry of Education requirements, school boards in Ontario are to report complete school generated funds information each fiscal year end covering the September 1st – August 31st time period for inclusion in their respective Board’s Financial Statements. This information is included in the Year End Report.

For assistance in identifying and defining commonly used terms within the Proposed Fundraising and Fees for School Generated Funds Plan, please see the Legend.

The following is the list of SGF Reports and Annual Fundraising Plans for our school: