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February 2017 Newsletter
Published on Feb 3, 2017 09:39

Message from the Office
On Sunday, January 29th, the people of Sainte-Foy, Quebec suffered a senseless and despicable act of terrorism against its Muslim community. This tragic incident reminds us that we are called to stand up to acts of violence and persecution against our brothers and sisters, regardless of race or religion. We are reminded that all of us are more alike than we are different and we are called to love, to accept, and to be inclusive. The victims of this particular attack were contributing members of their community and loving members of their families. The sudden and horrific loss of life left wives, brothers, sisters, children all grieving and mourning. In the wake of this tragedy, people are left feeling vulnerable and unsafe in their own communities. On behalf of the staff of St. Angela Merici we offer our Muslim brothers and sisters prayers for healing and words of encouragement.

What's inside:
* Countdown to JK Registration
* Grade 8 Grad Photos
* Family Day
* Lost & Found
* Report Cards
* and much more....

Please click here for the February 2017 Newsletter!