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Parents want to know: Why does my child need a hockey helmet to go skating?
Published on Mar 6, 2018 16:12

Skating Requirements

When planning physical activities for our students, we are required to follow the OPHEA Safety Guidelines. (OPHEA is The Ontario Physical and Health Education Association.) The requirement to wear a hockey helmet is quoted directly from the guidelines:
"Teachers must communicate to students and parent/guardians the importance of wearing a properly fitted (as per manufacturer's guidelines) and properly worn CSA approved hockey helmet."

Hockey helmets are designed to absorb the impact specific to a fall on the hard ice. 

Years ago, we used to allow bike helmets when skating. However, a bike helmet offers a different level of support and protection and is appropriate for falls from a bike. And so, these are not permitted anymore. Similarly, a snow sport helmet is required for skiing and snowboarding because it is designed specifically for the type of falls that skiers and snowboarders experience while on the slopes.

We understand this creates some hardship to some families but we need to ensure our students are safe when participating in these planned activities. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.